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follow focus

Fhugen Honu v2.0 Cage para GH3/GH4 y Sony A7/A7r/A7s
114,44 €+ IVA
-5% dto: 108,72 € + IVA
131,55 € IVA incluido
24 h
 24 h. 2 unidades en stock
stock en tiempo real

Honu Cage v2.0 para Panasonic GH3/GH4 and Sony A7/A7r/A7s, está diseñado para envolver el cuerpo de la cámara tan cerca como sea posible, se sujeta mediante la fijación de la parte inferior de la cámara y otra en la parte superior a través de la zapata del flash.

Este diseño único e innovador es la culminación de una extensa investigación, para conseguir un diseño preciso que tenga en cuenta todas las situaciones que se pueden dar.

Se han incluido topes delanteros anti-giro en el borde delantero de la estructura que alinea la cámara. Además, sobre la base de la estructura, hemos aportado un orificio del pasador de la placa de liberación rápida Manfrotto 501PL. El orificio del pasador mantendrá la placa QR perpendicular a la estructura.



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Pro runner 300 AW   Pro runner 300 AW
Pro runner 300 AW   Pro runner 300 AW


This unique, fresh and innovative design is the culmination of extensive research coupled with forward looking vision. Our design process is a series of precise steps that the engineers engage with that fosters innovative results.


The Honu v2.0 has been redesigned and modified to fit the Sony A7/A7r. Now with an extended battery cut out and a slotted camera mount you can use the Sony A7/A7r with all of the features of the Honu Cage. You will have access to your Sony's battery, audio/video ports, and media.




The Honu Cage - {GH3/GH4 and Sony A7/A7r} is designed to wrap around the GH3/GH4 and and Sony A7/A7r camera body as closely as possible while locking into it by fastening to the bottom of the camera and on the top via the HotShoe Lock. This double fastening system ensures a rock steady mount of the camera even under demanding situations such as using a follow focus.



There is plenty of room to swivel and tilt the OLED display monitor to facilitate shooting from high or low angles.





We made sure that all of your cables can still be routed into the GH3/GH4 and Sony A7/A7r. There are plenty of hole mounts to add on our optional HDMI Clamp or any other accessories such as a microphone.


We have included anti-twist front stops on the forward edge of the cage that aligns the GH3/GH4 camera parallel to the cage.




Battery access is crucial during a shoot and we ensured that the battery can be serviced with the Honu Cage - {GH3/GH4 and Sony A7/A7r} attached.


The SD Card door is fully accessible with the Honu Cage - {GH3/GH4 and Sony A7/A7r} attached.




There are three hotshoe dovetails on the top of the cage, one on each side and one in the center. Accessories with hotshoe mounts on them can be easily attached to the cage. The center dovetail is great for a hotshoe mount handle or microphone.


1x Honu GH3/GH4 and Sony A7/A7r Video Cage
1x Hot Shoe Lock
1x HDMI Clamp
1x 1/4"-20 Camera Tripod Screw
2x Blocking Screws (for anti-twist)






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Trípodes para vídeo

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